CARES Act Funds Reporting

U.S. Digital Response (USDR) can help you quickly and efficiently report on the funds your state received under the CARES Act. This tool adheres to federal requirements and simplifies the reporting process, saving budget officers time. Make it easy to collect, review, and finalize your data before submitting it for approval.

We can tailor the tool to meet your needs within days.

How it Works

Quickly enter data from various programs and agencies

USDR’s team provides you with a template that can be sent to various agencies that received CARES funds. The application also provides a mechanism for agency users to upload these files, aggregate them and prepare them for submission to the U.S. Treasury’s reporting portal.

The template includes data fields that are consistent with the federal reporting requirements of the U.S. Treasury. The data input can be customized for each state for easy identification of programs, making it simpler for agencies to see what information is needed and how it needs to be shared. The template includes various validation formulas and formatting to ensure data integrity.

Each agency you share the template with will enter the applicable spending data directly into the template and return it to the state for simplified, asynchronous reporting.

Share your data with the federal government in one click

After each agency submits their complete templates, the tool creates an output file compiling all the required information. This can be uploaded to the U.S. Treasury reporting portal.

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