COVID-19 Communication Toolkit: A Health Equity Lens

The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified health inequities, underscoring the need for timely, accurate, and transparent communication about COVID-19 to all patients, communities, and the public.

This toolkit offers detailed, step-by-step guidance to help health communicators, content developers, educators, and health promotion leaders put health equity recommendations into action. The tools and information shared here are based on evidence-based research with the goal of helping communities access COVID-19 vaccination and testing information easily and seamlessly.

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What's inside

Utilize templates and tools for quick, simple implementation

We’ve provided actionable steps and checklists to help you evaluate and make design and content changes to your COVID-19 vaccine websites and mobile apps. Within this toolkit, you’ll find an audit checklist to evaluate your digital tools, a vaccine information website template for desktop and mobile, a step-by-step implementation guide to launch your website, templates for print and web materials, sample messaging for diverse audiences, and more.

Screenshot of the vaccine website template

Reach marginalized communities using a suggested framework for health equity

The Health Equity Framework (HEF) is a practical tool that reflects on COVID-19 digital communication tools and supports a shift toward addressing health inequities resulting from the interplay of structural, relational, individual, and physiological factors. The framework presented in this toolkit shares examples of best practices to reach all communities, including those marginalized in access to COVID-19 vaccines, such as elderly and aging populations, black and brown communities, people with disabilities, and rural or hard-to-reach areas.

Access important information to help inform your communications strategies

We’ve taken important topics — such as vaccination acceptance and hesitancy, intergroup relations, crisis communications, and transcreation for bilingual speakers — and highlighted the most important points and recommendations to simplify your decision-making process. We’ve also provided examples of data collection, visualization, and reporting to help your team organize knowledge for clearer communications.
Diagram illustrating the World Health Organization's vaccine hesitancy continuum
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